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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Have SLR, How do I use it??

Bought a Canon EOS while I was deployed overseas and have yet to learn how to use the settings. It has the "idiot proof" settings such as portrait, scenic, fast action, but the others are a mystery to me. What I most want to photograph is Lightning and maybe some fireworks. How do I get the shutter to remain open? Do I have to buy the plunger to get it to perform this feat?? Any and All help would be greatly appreciated!!

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April 17, 2001


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Well if it didn't come with an instruction manual you can probably get one from Canon. You don't say which EOS you have so it will be pretty difficult for anyone here to give you specific help. I would suggest getting a manual and some good basic photography books.

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April 17, 2001


Ujjwal Mukherjee
  Hi Justin,

You can go this site and check the 'the art of photography' section of it. This is maintained by Canon Malaysia and has a bunch of useful tips for Canon EOS camera users.


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April 19, 2001

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