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Photography Question 

Nicola Papps


I recently saw in a shop window display photographs displaye inside balloons- I am intrigued as to how this is done and would love to try it out myself!! I would like advice on this method or details of where I may find out further details of such techniques

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April 10, 2001


Ken Pang
  Is this kind of like the Boat in a bottle question?

My guess would be to buy a clear ballon, very gently roll up the photo, so as not to crease it. Then insert into ballonand blow the ballon up. Once the ballon is inflated (not too high pressure) try to straighten up the photo again.

They may possibly have a wire attached to the photo and pointing out the bottom of the ballon to keep the photo upright.

Hope this helps. I was never really good at crafts, but I think this idea should work.


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April 12, 2001


Kris Haskins
They actually make machines to fill balloons. You can buy balloons with stuffed animals, candy, presents, ... just about anything that will fit through the top of the machine.

Basically it is a cox, usually made of lexan or other clear plastic. The top of the box has a large ring in it, kind of like a cross-stich hoop. The open end of the ballon is clamped in the ring and then a pump in the base is activated, sucking the air out of the box. The balloon reacts to the pressure differential the same as it does when there is air put into the ballon, it 'inflates'. Only now the air in the ballon is the same pressure as the atmosphere, so the end doesn't have to be closed. The operator simply arranges the contents of the ballon and then closes it up.

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April 14, 2001


Kris Haskins
They actually make machines to fill balloons. You can buy balloons with stuffed animals, candy, presents, ... just about anything that will fit through the top of the machine.

Basically it is a cox, usually made of lexan or other clear plastic. The top of the box has a large ring in it, kind of like a cross-stich hoop. The open end of the ballon is clamped in the ring and then a pump in the base is activated, sucking the air out of the box. The balloon reacts to the pressure differential the same as it does when there is air put into the ballon, it 'inflates'. Only now the air in the ballon is the same pressure as the atmosphere, so the end doesn't have to be closed. The operator simply arranges the contents of the ballon and then closes it up.

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April 14, 2001


Kris Haskins
  They actually make machines to fill balloons. You can buy balloons with stuffed animals, candy, presents, ... just about anything that will fit through the top of the machine.

Basically it is a cox, usually made of lexan or other clear plastic. The top of the box has a large ring in it, kind of like a cross-stich hoop. The open end of the ballon is clamped in the ring and then a pump in the base is activated, sucking the air out of the box. The balloon reacts to the pressure differential the same as it does when there is air put into the ballon, it 'inflates'. Only now the air in the ballon is the same pressure as the atmosphere, so the end doesn't have to be closed. The operator simply arranges the contents of the ballon and then closes it up. If this is confusing, I can draw a picture.

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April 14, 2001


Nicola Papps
  Thank you guys I will give it a try

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June 01, 2001

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