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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Shooting Mouth Close Up

I am a dentist. I have a Camcorder Sony Handycam DCR-TRV103 Digital 8 with factory f=3.6 - 72 mm optical 20x zoom lens. I want to use my camcorder to shoot close ups of my patients mouths.

I don't have any idea of what kind of lenses I need to obtain this. I have a brochure of a dentists photo workshop that suggests a 105mm macro lens but the info is for 35mm cameras.

Please give your recommendation along with some alternatives of products to buy.


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April 02, 2001


BetterPhoto Member
  This is an older Q, and I hope you've found the answer already, but I will try to answer it anyway.

You have a few options. Various screw-in telephoto lenses are available, and can narrow your angle of view (zoom in). They're available for standard camcorder threadmount sizes--40.5mm, 37mm, 52mm, 58mm, etc.

Some mfgrs are: Kenko, Century, Raynox, Sony, Tiffen, and several more.

Check out, the section on Video. I find their prices/service are representative of a the top 90% photo/video on the net.

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April 29, 2001

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