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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

What is needed for headshots for a portfolio?

Hi, my friend has just asked me if I could shoot some headshots for his model portfolio. I have no idea what this portfolio should consist of, but I am willing to use my creativity to pull something together. If you could please, give me some info on the film, etc I should use, and how I can get a negative type slide w/ several shots on it. Thank you, clueless in S.B

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March 22, 2001


Jeff S. Kennedy
  For head shots its best to use a moderate telephoto lens - 105-135 or longer. As for film, you didn't say whether you need color or b&w so I would suggest Kodak 160NC for color and TMAX 100 for b&w. I don't know what you mean by "a negative type slide w/ several shots on it" so I can't help you there.

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March 22, 2001

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