Olympus E10 or Olympus E10 or

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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Can RAW files be converted to TIFF, etc....

I am currently interested in upgrading to another camera such as the Olympus E10 or Canon D30. I noticed that they utilize RAW files and require their own propriatary software to convert them. My question is, once you processed the photos thru such software, can these easily be converted to other formats such as JPEG, TIFF, etc. I want the quality and flexibility of a RAW file, but I also want to be able to store the photo in other formats. If so, can you recommend any particular software for these conversions. Thank You

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March 13, 2001


Billy B. Wells
  Photo D will convert to about anything you want. I use 2.0 and go to "file" and under "file" go to "send to"

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March 13, 2001


BetterPhoto Member
  For working with RAW data, SilverFast HDR
is the solution for working with raw data. SilverFast HDR has all features of the award winning SilverFast Ai that allows real-time control of all that makes an images truely brilliant. SilverFast HDR works in 16 bit with selective color correction, LAB-USM, gray-axis control, etc. A demo can be downloaded from http://www.SilverFast.com

[Editor: even though this is a plug from the company, I can vouch for it. I have used SilverFast and found it excellent.]

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May 02, 2001

BetterPhotoJim.com - Jim Miotke

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  One other point that I forgot to mention that is very important.

The Canon D30 does not require that you save in RAW format. You can save JPEGs, too. I believe the Olympus works the same way. Whichever one you go with, it is relatively easy to convert from one format to another.

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May 02, 2001

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