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Photography Question 

rose goffin

Info on Darkroom Equipment

I am buying a second hand enlarger and I would like any info you could give me on darkroom equipment or where I could get this info from. Maybe a list of essentials that I will need.

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March 07, 2001 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Hi Rose,

Have you seen the wonderful article by Chris Groenhout on the subject? Along with step-by-step instructions, he offers a list of items you will need for film developing... let me know how your new adventure goes.

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March 18, 2001


rose goffin
  Thanks a million for your reply it's a great help. I am still waiting for my tutor to bring the enlarger into college, but she has promised it will be this week.I am looking forward to setting it all up and getting stuck in. I am taking Access Art and Design at college so we only had six weeks on photography but that was enough to get me very interested. I got the results to my assessment last week and I got an A-

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March 19, 2001

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