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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

New Camera

I have just been given a used Canon EOS Rebel X, for free from a friend. I have only been in a Photography class for a year, and have little knowledge of this type of camera. I have researced it somewhat and have come up with the fact that it was produced in 1992, and then discontinued. Basically, my question has to do with these features on the camera, A-DEP? Av, Tv, P, an L in a red box, and little tiny images of a face, a flower, an person moving, and what I believe to be a mountain. I have only worked with a Pentax supplied at my school, and would really like to know what these mean. Thank you so much. Also, after hitting the button to expose the film, the camera makes a series of beeps before taking the picture, what is that all about?

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February 18, 2001


  Chrissy, the part of the camera that you are describing is the "Command Dial". It is very important!! A-DEP = Depth of field, and has to do with how much of the picture is in sharp focus. Av="Aperture Priority" This allows you to set how wide the lens opens up when you take a picture. When you set this the camera automatically adjusts the shutter speed to the right speed. Tv=Shutter Priority. You set the shutter speed and the camera automatically sets the aperture for you. P=Program it is in the creative zone and does exactly what the camera does when it is in the Programmed zone (the rectangle icon) Set the camera to the "face" to take portraits. This gives a large aperture which makes the person's face sharply focused and blurs the background to make the face stand out. The flower icon is for closeups of things such as flowers, etc. The moving person is for sporting events where there is a lot of motion. This gives fast shutter speeds to avoid blurring by the people who are running, etc. The mountain icon is for landscapes. This is a small aperture so that everything is sharply focused. The beeping sounds can mean a lot of things. I suggest that you check out a good bookstore and look in the photography section for a small book published by "Magic Lantern" on your camera. That book is terrific and will explain every function, every dial, every use, and how to set all of those things that you see in the LCD panel. The book costs around $20.00, and you can get it through, or most bookstores.

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February 20, 2001


Jon Close
L is 'locked'. It is essentially the "OFF" position. Turn the dial to L when not in use to conserve the battery.

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February 20, 2001

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