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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Best way to resize photos in software program

What is the best way to resize images downloaded form my Olympus C-2100 UZ?
When images download from the camera they are huge at 1600x1200 pixels.

The only way to reduce the image size in the camera is to shoot in TIFF and change the mode to 640x480. But TIFF files take so much memory in the camera, and I don't need that much information when printing smaller photos. In SHQ or HQ mode the image is set at 1600x1200. In SQ mode the image quality is not as good as the other modes.

The 1600x1200 size is 22x16 inches, a very large file before saving. I most often want to produce a 5x7 print or at most 8x10 on an HP DeskJet 970Cse which is 600 dpi.

Since I am still in the testing stage, I have several software programs: Photoshop LE, Paintshop Pro 7, Adobe Photo delux both 2.0 and 4.0. They all tell me to either change the pixel numbers, change pixels per inch, set the size in inches, or resize from handles on image which is totally unsatisfactory.

When looking at the information on the image, the the default is 72 ppi which creates the large picture. I reset the ppi to 150 and the image was close to 8x10.

My question is which is the better way to reduce the image from the software. Change pixel numbers or change ppi or something else?

Thank you for any help.

PS: One more question. What do you think of saving images in Flashpix format?

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February 16, 2001

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