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Photography Question 

christiana defoe

Long shutter speed & night shots

I'm an amature photographer trying to learn all their is to know about photography. I'v learned a lot but somehow I can't seem to capture the perfect night shots. I tried to take a picture of the london bridge at night and the photo came out black. The same thing happened to me in Miami as I tried to take some shots of the South Beach Boulevard. What am I doing wrong? What kind of shutterspeed is the best choice when shooting photo's at nights? Do I need to use a special film (ISO?)? How do I use the flits in this situations?

Also how do you take a photograph of a person/subject standing in front of a bright light without the photo turning out blurry?
Thanks in advance,

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February 15, 2001


Jon Close
  Easy one first - "how do you take a photograph of a person/subject standing in front of a bright light without the photo turning out blurry?" The picture is blurry because either the subject moved or the camera did (or both). With long shutter speeds use a tripod to eliminated camera movement. To stop the subject's motion you need to use a faster shutter speed and/or a flash, or tell them to hold still ;).

Re: your photos of London Bridge and Miami, first check you negatives to see if you recorded any detail. It's possible that the technician printing your photos was inattentive and a decent print can be made from them. If the negatives are nearly clear with no detail to them, then you severely underexposed the scene.

What shutter speed and aperture did you use? If you're using a point & shoot camera you won't know, but typically the longest shutter speed available is 2 to 4 sec. To get longer exposures you'll need an SLR with timed shutter speeds to 30 seconds or the "Bulb" setting which keeps the shutter open for as long as the shutter button is pressed.

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February 15, 2001

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