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Photography Question 

Ed Holmes

Using a Warming Filter

Hi! I was recently given an 81-A warming filter, and I'm wondering if anybody could suggest any good situations to use it in. I'm quite new to photography and need some suggestions. Anything you have to say about it would be much appreciated! My camera is an old Pentax P3-N and I shoot (colour) Kodak Royal Gold. Also, do I put the filter on then take a meter reading, or vice versa??? Please Help!
-Edward Holmes

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February 12, 2001


BetterPhoto Member
  You can use this filter in any situation where you want to give the natural light a helping hand. For example it will help overcome the blue light on overcast days or help give the impression of warmer light when shooting around the middle of the day when the light is harsh. Also it is very handy for portraiture, giving subjects a more suntanned look.
With tis filter you would meter with the filter on the camera. On the other hand with a graduated filter (dark at the top and progressively lighter through to clear at the bottom) you would meter first and then place the filter on the camera. There are also 81B and 81C warm up filters. 81B is stronger than your 81A and 81C is stronger again.

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February 13, 2001

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