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Photography Question 

Carrie Pichler

What does Editor's Pick mean?

I am rather new to here and I noticed that several of my photos say "Editor's Pick." Not sure exactly what that means.

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September 19, 2016

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  Hi, Carrie... :-)

There are 4 levels to the monthly contest....Editor's Pick, then Staff Favorite, then Finalist, and finally the Gold round... So, you've made the first step...... Generally, the SF/F/Gold levels don't get posted until the last couple days of the month. So, do as the rest of us do, and don't hold your breath after you get an EP.... ;-)


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September 19, 2016


Carrie Pichler
  Thank you for the info! I don't hold my breath anyway ... lol. I just feel pretty great about making the first round :)

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September 19, 2016


Joanne Kramer
  Why do people reenter their photos, and are they entered with the SP, EP, or Finalist? I have been noticing some of the photos have tags on them before the photos have been critiqued. What is the advantage of entering a previously judged photo. I'm not sure how this all works.

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September 22, 2016

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  DJoanne, people reenter photos because contest judging is subjective. In the past, BP has encouraged resubmitting, possibly in a different category...or maybe in the monthly theme. Over the summer, they didn't want folks to resubmit photos although many did.

I actually have a grand prize that was twice resubmitted EP. And many folks including myself, have resubmitted EPs and SFs and seen them become finalists and gold medals. And as you observed, folks have resubmitted finalists in the hopes of turning them into golds. There's usually no monetary prize for doing this; it's just part of the fun in entering the contest. I have actually seen folks resubmit a gold medal for 2nd place...and then the gold medal turned into a finalist medal when finalist round announced, and then the photo remained a finalist. So, the gold medal was replaced with silver finalist. A risk some would take. But I've never seen a resubmitted finalist lose its finalist emblem, if it only made it to the EP or SF round.

And for those that aren't as blessed to be able to shoot lots of photos each month, the resubmits allow them to enter the contest each month. An EP from N/L may catch a different judge's eye in Travel/Place, for example.

Long story short...resubmits are just a way to enjoy the contest...many folks resubmit their favs when they don't have a lot of current photos. At times, the resubmit will score out at a higher level. Pride and satisfaction that a favorite was recognized by the judges, even if it were the 2nd time submitted. Or 3rd time.

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September 23, 2016


Joanne Kramer
  Thank you for the good explanation. I used to belong to BP when it was free. I have rejoined when 2 years were offered for one. I am unable to get out and shoot, so I have lots of photos of the past that I think are good. I always get EPs, but I have yet to get a finalist. I have 1 SP. I am really enjoying seeing good photos. I fille my rime. Thank you again for explaining this to me.

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September 24, 2016

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