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Photography Question 
- Ritajane Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ritajane Smith
Ritajane Smith's Gallery

Classes offered at BetterPhoto

Evening all,
I have a question and really need a lot of input please.... I took the classes offered at NYIP and the NYIP digital. My question is, I must need more training because I don't really get EP's a lot. How many of you all are self taught and how are Jims classes here? Any comment would really be appreciated.... I'm just wondering if I need more classes...
Thank you, Ritajane Smith

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May 14, 2016

- Michael Thomas

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michael Thomas
Michael Thomas's Gallery
  Hi there. Not certain if I fully understand the question but here's my two cents. First I looked at the NYIP COURSES you mentioned and they certainly look intense. I have taken courses from a different outfit like this and benefited.
However my most fun experiences were based upon the feedback received from my BetterPhoto courses.
I have also found that it takes hundreds of captures to get proficient with the principals involved, and have been personally been in a slump more than once. What helped?
1. I stepped back put the camera down, and just used my eyes.
2. Went back to basics. Composition, subject selection, etcetra
3. I occasionally take BetterPhoto course because of the great feed back.
4. I take photos and file them after an initial review, and set them aside and come back months later. I always am surprised how more creatively I look at them.

Lastly try some different software, painter, LIGHTROOM and look at the other amazing photographers on this site. I have never had one not offer to share technique.

I checked out you gallery and website, and your painterly photos are great.
Hope this rambling answer was helpful.

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May 15, 2016


Pat Harry
  I had a portrait a few years back that I was quite proud of. It didn't go anywhere - no EP, etc. I asked for feedback and got some excellent input. Now, years later, I look back on that portrait and wonder what I was thinking! It's not bad - for a beginner.

We all start somewhere. Study and practice. Study the images here at BP that win (finalists and above - too many EP's in my opinion to use these as benchmarks). Study images elsewhere. What type of images to you like? Google and find well-known photographers that do what you like and study their work.

And practice, practice, practice. Nothing takes the place of trying, learning, refining. I'm not talking about just technical practice, but artistic as well.

You have a nice gallery.

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May 15, 2016


Cynthia M. Newell
  I have taken many classes from BP. I have found them all very helpful and easy to understand. I am self taught and very eager to learn. I try and take as many classes as I can. You can never learn too much. My photography, camera skills and creativity has really grown since I started taking classes from BP. I have looked at your web-site, and you have very beautiful photos. I hope this helps with your question.


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May 15, 2016

- Michael Thomas

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Michael Thomas
Michael Thomas's Gallery
  And one last thought from me. There are times when I will upload a photo believing it to be one of my best but it turns out not to be an EP but to me it achieved everything I was trying to accomplish.
Believe in your abilities.

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May 15, 2016

- Harriet Feagin

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Harriet Feagin
Harriet Feagin's Gallery
  Here's my 2 cents worth. I love classes and workshops as they give me a chance to learn and improve, however, the best thing I did to improve was to join my local camera club. I started photography in late 2007. Just the other day I cleaned out a lot of old photos I had printed up. I thought they were wonderful at the time but now, well, lets just say that there was a lot of room for improvement. The best way to improve is to get out there and photograph. Take your camera with you everywhere because you never know what will just pop up. As for EP's, they will come. I like to browse the photos of other BP members to get inspired. I have asked many members questions and they have been so kind in answering them. Ken Smith, Terry Cervi and Chris Budney come to mind. Photograph because you love it and the improvement will happen along the way. BP has been a big part of any improvement I have had. Keep on entering.

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May 15, 2016

- Dayna Cain

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dayna Cain
Dayna Cain's Gallery
  I agree with Harriett. Ask for help and get critiques from photographers on BP who's work you admire. I have always had great luck with people on here being willing to help. One photographer I asked for help told me to email my pic to him, he made two very simple adjustments (told me what they were and how he did them) and emailed it back to me and what a difference it made in my photo! They are always extremely nice and will help you in whatever way they can. Harriett gave three excellent examples of those kinds of people on here. BP is an awesome website.

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May 16, 2016

- Ritajane Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ritajane Smith
Ritajane Smith's Gallery
  Thank you everyone for all your input. I really appreciate what you've all said. Now, I just need to decide.... Thank you again, Ritajane

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May 17, 2016

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