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What to buy?

Greetings to all!

I'm new to this site and I would be very glad if you could help me out.

I'm on tight budget($400) and was planning to buy a Canon EOS Rebel 2000 w/ the EF 28-90 silver lens kit until just recently I've read many negative comments on the lens quality that comes with the kit. Now, I have doubts.

1. Is the 28-90 silver lens (non USM)worth it? Are all the lens that comes with the kit that bad?

2. Is it better to buy the body, lens, and accessories separately instead?

3. If so, what's the best zoom lens should a beginner like me buy?

4. With all the information in the internet today, im confused on where to buy online... can you recommend any online retailer that sells the best value for your money? (cheap & reliable)



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May 16, 2002


doug Nelson
  Want to save some money up front and still have razor sharp optics? Don't get a zoom at all to begin. Look at the 50mm EF 1.8II, or notch up a step to the f1.4. This lens will be quite flexible and will give you image sharpness that will forever have you demanding the same from other lenses. If you MUST have a zoom, don't get the cheapest of any maker's line-up. Check out and see why either prime lenses or the very best zooms are a better use of your money.

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May 17, 2002



Thanks for the input! Your info was of great help to me.

Till then.

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May 20, 2002

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