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Photography Question 

Carolyn K. Clarke

Shutter speed

I recently took pictures of people in a low lighted restaurant. The lighting was white christmas lights around and dim overhead lights. There were ceiling fans above as well. I was shooting with Ilford 400 film with a flash. I had the camera set on Automatic. All I was controlling was the f-stop. I was following the guide on the back of the flash as to what to set the f-stop to. The shutter was opening and closing very slowly while I was shooting the pictures. The pictures came out with light streaks across them everywhere, like the fans were streaking light across the room or something. What was I doing wrong? The f-stop was mostly set between f 8 - f 22. What should I have done differently to make the pictures come out right? Please help. I need some refresher info. Thanks!

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May 15, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Can you post one of the photos? That might help us to help you.

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May 15, 2002


Carolyn K. Clarke
  Probably not, I don't have a scanner. I forgot to mention that it was with B&W film

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May 15, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Well, with just the info you've supplied all I can say is that your camera chose a slow shutter speed for you and caused blurring of the lights. Next time set your shutter speed yourself to whatever the flash sync speed is and it should work better.

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May 15, 2002

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