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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Depth of Field

I am an amatuer who has been shooting for about a year now, but sometimes I have problems with acheib=ving depth of field. In other words my images come flat. How can I solve this problem, I am using a fuji finepix 4900z. one of my images is the Tower, in my member gallery...

Can anyone help

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March 23, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  Since you say your images are flat in regard to DOF I'm guessing you mean you are finding it difficult to get short DOF. If you only shoot digital you are in a tough situation. Digital cameras, since their recording devices are smaller than 35mm frames, have inherently large DOF. The only way to overcome this is to buy faster lenses (f2.8 or faster) and shoot wide open. The closer your subject the shorter your apparent DOF will be as well.

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March 24, 2002

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