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BetterPhoto Member

color slide photo transfer to digital it possible to transfer color slide photos to digital images? At home, I mean. Thanks.

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March 12, 2002


John A. Lind
Glad you qualified that with "at home." I would have suggested a Kodak PhotoCD (not to be confused with a PictureCD).

Every 35mm *film* scanner I've seen either comes with, or has available as an accessory, a 35mm slide attachment or adapter.

Flatbed scanners are another story. Many do not have slide "adapters" and of the ones that do, many of those do not work that well.

-- John

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March 12, 2002


doug Nelson
  If a flatbed scanner has a transparency adapter, it's probably good for a 1200 pixels-per-inch scan, not really enough for 35-mm. As John points out, the little smoke-and-mirrors prism thingees aren't designed for really good photo quality scans.

If you have a lot of slides, or will keep shooting slides, look for a good deal on a film scanner. They will give you better scans, and handle difficult slides better.

Having said that, it's only fair to point out that flatbeds are catching up.
Some new flatbeds, including the Epson 2450, $400, scan at 2400 ppi, which enough to print an 8 x 10 from a slide. I haven't seen any scans from such a scanner, but Shutterbug magazine recently gave the 2450 a glowing review. If you're in the market for a flatbed, anyway, consider this one, or wait. They'll get cheaper and better.

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March 13, 2002

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