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Photography Question 

Ujjwal Mukherjee

Use of 'B' setting of Shutter Speed

Very often when we see the photo's taken in the evening or in the night of illuminated streets or buildings , the specification used in taking those images are either very low shutter speed
or use of B setting. Now what I would like to know that is there any thumb rule as whether to use very low shutter speed or to use the B setting. Now even in B setting how long the shutter speed shd be pressed to get the right exposure. Now I know the accuracy will come thr. experience but is there any thumb rule to start with.

Thank You ... ujjwal

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February 24, 2002


John A. Lind
  The information you're asking about is too lengthy to provide here. The guidelines for it depend on what type of environment you're in (urban street, theater, basketball game, etc.), the film speed you are using and the aperture setting you desire.

Two books I know of contain guidelines for "existing light" exposures:
(a) Kodak Pocket Photoguide
(b) Kodak Professional Photoguide

I've used the [same] guidelines in both books and they are amazingly good.

The pocket photoguide is made of heavy materials, spiral bound and will fit in a shirt pocket. It used to be called the "Kodak Master Photoguide." The professional photoguide is slightly thicker and about twice the height and width; it easily fits into a camera bag front pocket. You will probably find the pocekt photoguide more useful and it should cost less than $15. The pro one has all the same information plus quite a bit more details about some very specialized photography that pros and semi-pros would encounter, but a non-professional would rarely, if ever, use.

-- John

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February 25, 2002

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