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Photography Question 

Philip Raggett


Is there a lens that can fit on both auto focus and manual focus SLR's as I would like to buy a lens for my current manual focus SLR that will fit on an autofocus SLR if I get one in the future



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February 20, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  What kind of camera are you using? We need more info.

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February 20, 2002


Philip Raggett
  It is a Pentax P-30. Could you get say a sigma lens and then just get a different mount for the new camera?


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February 21, 2002


John A. Lind
Nikon is the only 35mm SLR system I'm aware of that has maintained fundamental forward and backward compatibility with its lens mounts and bodies since introduction of the Nikon F in 1959.

The exception is the earliest Nikkor lenses for the original Nikon F and it applies only to some bodies introduced after the Nikon F. The lenses are relatively easy to modify. It involves replacing an external tab for mechanical meter linkage. Many of them on the used market already have been modified.

Not all lenses will fully function on all bodies. Some may require manual stop-down and obviously manual focus lenses will not auto-focus. Likewise auto-focus lenses must be manually focused when used on a manual focus body, and sophisticated metering information cannot be communicated to older bodies (which wouldn't be able to use it even if it did).

-- John

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March 16, 2002

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