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Photography Question 

Philip Raggett


What is the difference between the various auto focus SLR's (Canon EOS 300, Pentax MZ-30 etc) Can you recommend which one is the best value for money and easiest to use.



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February 20, 2002


doug Nelson
  Check out Herbert Keppler's article on autofocus SLR's in February's Popular Photography. Check out back issues, as most of the magazine seems devoted to autofocus SLR's. As a rule of thumb, find one that meets your needs, and then go one step higher. The cheapest model of anything may compromise some features. For example, Mr Keppler points out that cheaper SLR's use a white light source for autofocus, instead of the better infrared method. Also, cheaper cameras give you a cheaper prism, showing less of your image in the viewfinder. As he points out, these entry-level cameras are NOT junk, but if you can do better, go for it.

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February 23, 2002


John A. Lind
The camera body will affect exposure metering (accuracy), auto-focus accuracy and speed, and may (or may not) provide some features you're looking for such as a hot shoe for external flash. Beyond these criteria and basic reliability and durability, also consider the camera system's lenses. Provided a photograph is exposed and focused properly (for what you want in the photograph), the rest of image technical quality such as contrast, flare control, aberrations and distortions, and resolution, are all determined by the camera lens, *not* the camera body. I consider the lenses the most important technical aspect of my equipment.

-- John

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February 23, 2002

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