BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Flash Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Flash Work and Babies

I have shot a few pics of my son using natural light but the pics didn't come out great. He's just a few weeks old, and I have been wondering if I could use a flash in his face, so to speak?

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June 04, 2004


  It's probably not a good idea to aim your flash at the baby directly. Try to step back and use a longer focal-length lens, and bounce the flash off the ceiling or a wall. The diffused light creates a better-looking image than straight-on flash anyway. If you have a very high ceiling or the walls and ceiling are not white, then bouncing the light on the baby may have a color cast. You can buy a diffuse accessory (e.g. Sto-fen Omni-bounce, around $20), put it on the flash head and point the head up at 45 degrees. It works just like bouncing light from the ceiling. Hope this helps.

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June 04, 2004

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