BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Flash Photography

Photography Question 

Nick Milton

Light Metering

With the modern range of digital SLR cameras, is there still a need for a hand-held light meter?? And would an umbrella soft box help with outdoor portraits? Thank you.

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May 01, 2004


Terry L. Long
  For most modern SLR's, a hand-held meter is not necessary. I prefer to use a spot meter for most situations. My large format 4x5 camera has absolutely no mete, so I use a handheld meter (with a spot and ambient mode) on all situations.

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May 02, 2004


  I shoot a lot at the beach, where you have the reflection of the water and the sand tricking the camera. So, I use a hand-held meter to get correct exposures of people. Also, for shooting people in front of sunsets, I guess you could do this without a meter, but it would probably not turn out as well as with a hand-held meter. If you shoot in a studio, you need a hand-held meter if you are using studio flash. If you are shooting inside with flash, and don't have E-TTL, then you need a hand-held meter. Even with E-TTL, depending on what you are doing, you may still want to meter on your own. Modern cameras are good. But there are often situations where manual settings are better. The camera only knows what it sees, not what you are trying to make it do.

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May 02, 2004

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