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Category: Flash Photography

Photography Question 

Ben F

Flash Mystery?

Hey guys,
I was watchin television today, and I saw a photographer on this show shooting portrait-style pics and he's got a digi SLR and speedlight as well. But over the flash, he had this big white cone pointing out... looked really strange. I'm just curious what this is. I'm guessing a diffuser or some sort, but what is the effect of it on work like this?

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July 17, 2006


Peter M. Wilcox
  A diffuser is exactly what it was. It softens the light of the flash, reducing harsh shadows and point highlights. A simple diffuser basically changes the size of the light source from the bare flash, to the size of the diffuser, which in turn softens the edges of shadows. It also widens the beam of the flash, causing more of the light to be indirect.

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July 17, 2006


Jon Close
  Yes, it is a diffuser. The effect is to give more even light with greatly reduced/softened shadows than is possible with direct flash. Several common types are available commerically,
Sto-Fen Omni-Bounce, several styles from Lumiquest, and Gary Fong's Lightsphere. Some photographers make their own out of plastic bottles.

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July 17, 2006


Jon Close
  Sorry to repeat Peter's fine answer... I type slow!
Sample of a cheap DIY version:

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July 17, 2006


Peter M. Wilcox
  You took the time to add links and everything, a far superior answer :)

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July 17, 2006


Phillip A. Flusche
  Jon C. No need to wait for B&H. When you get to Gary's web site in the link above just order the LightSphere diffuser directly from the Gary at the web site.

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July 18, 2006


  Quick and dirty: a Styrofoam cup. Remember to empty it first!

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July 18, 2006


Elsie van Rooyen
  Thanks for all the answers to this question,I had a look at the websites and also linked to Jon C.'s site.The Styrofoam also sounds good!I will definitely try a DIY, maybe it will be a little tricky as I have a Fujifix S5500, but will figure out a way.
Will this also reduce "red eye" problems? I am shooting a lot of photos of my granddaughter (4 months)- sorry first one - and sometimes have use the flash, but am getting worried about the effect the harsh light may have on her eyes.
I will also try this with my ID photos where I sometimes get a real dark shadow
Thanks guys, great info

Elsie from S.A.

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July 18, 2006


Jon Close
  Lumiquest has a SoftScreen diffuser specifically for cameras with pop-up flash. It's sized for DSLR and 35mm SLRs, but may work with the S5500, or one could fashion a similar DIY screen from paper, plastic, etc.

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July 20, 2006


Elsie van Rooyen
  Jon C, thanks, I had a look at the "SoftScreen" diffuser - will definitely try some DIY

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July 22, 2006

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