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Category: Flash Photography

Photography Question 

Ramon Uy

Red Eye Reduction Feature on Small Camera

I have an Olympus DLX Stylus camera and I noticed that the red eye reduction mode does not really work when my models are young children or have blue eyes. Can you explain please why?

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September 13, 2001


I'm not sure if it matters whether the eyes are blue or any other colour. I think it has more to do with the subject looking directly at you or not and the time laps between the red eye light going off and the reaction of the eye. Maybe childrens eyes react at different times but I have noticed that if the child is looking and concentrating on some thing else at the time the red eye reduction light doesn't seem to have as good an effect as if the child is looking at you. Hope this makes some sort of sense.

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September 20, 2001


Mike McCormick
  Hi Ramon,
I have yet to hear of any red-eye reduction on any camera being REALLY successful.Treat yourself to an off-camera flash,bracket etc.
As long as the angle of flash to subject is NOT straight on or they do not look straight back at the camera you will have no problems.Providing your camera has a sync attatchment of some kind.If it hasn't there is an alternative which I could advise you of
at a later date.

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July 08, 2002


Ramon Uy
  Thank you very much Leanne and Mike for your response with regards to the red eye problem that I have with my small camera. I will do some more test again. See how it goes.

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July 16, 2002

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