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Category: Flash Photography

Photography Question 

Anthony Ruiz

How to Use a Flash Unit

I recently purchased the Sigma ef-500 dg super flash. I have read the manual, and I still do not have a good understanding on how to use the flash and all its features. Is there anyway someone could help me? I know how it works I just don't know how to incorporate the features like when would I want to reduce the power levels, and what does the pulse frequency do and when would I want to reduce that. Also is the exposure compensation the same thing as reducing the power? I consider myself an advanced amateur, but really need help with the flash unit.

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May 27, 2005


Julie M. Cwik
  Anthony, I was in the same boat as you when I bought my new flash unit. I read the manual several times. To be honest what worked for me, is to just put the flash unit on the camera, and try it out, that's how you will learn, hands on.

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May 27, 2005

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  Not having that flash or the manual, I'll guess based on how flashes usually work. Reducing the power level is usually for using it on manual. Not sensor reading, just shooting at fractions like 1/8th power on up to full power.
Exposure compensation is an adjustment to what the sensor determines what it should do, like exp. comp. on a camera. It would be useful for fill flash if you still feel the need to use auto settings, or if you're using flash and are shooting in the same situation that you'd use exp comp on a camera (dark background with a spot-lit subject). You could also use it if you decided to slow down your shutter speed and still use flash. That way the flash doesn't expose for an aperture and a higher sync speed, but tones down the power, and lets the longer shutter speed fill in without the flash/ambient light becoming too much.
Pulse frequency, I don't know what that specifically is. I'd have to actually read what it says. Could be strobe effect, could be that preflash for red-eye reduction or through-the-lens metering.

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May 27, 2005


Jon Close
  I believe the "pulse frequency" feature is for a stroboscopic effect. The flash fires several times during a single exposure. It is used to capture several stop-motion images of a moving subject, such as a dancer or a golf swing. It's generally used with the camera on a tripod and setting a longish shutter speed. You set the number of bursts or pulses, the frequency or pulses, and the power output level. A frequency of 10 Hz is at the rate of 10 times per second, so if you set the number of flashes for 5 then you need to set the shutter speed to 1/2 second (5 flashes divided by 10 per second). The output level limits the total number of pulses, there is probably a chart in the manual giving maximum number and rate for different output levels. Lower output level gives greater maximum number of flashes.

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May 27, 2005

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