BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Flash Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Better Flash Photography

How can I take better (illuminated) pictures at night when the subject(s) are more than say 30 feet from camera - i.e., a play or club scene.

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May 21, 2005


Bob Cammarata
  Get a flash with a zoom head ... adjustable for wide/normal/telephoto operation. Set it to telephoto and shoot at your camera's recommended sync speed with the widest aperture your film (or ISO setting) allows.

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May 21, 2005


Doug Elliott
I agree with Bob, There are some great systems out there. Quantaum, Norman, etc. You might look at getting a flash that is rated for 400 watt/seconds or better if you want to light that much area. You could go for broke and get a second light with a slave and have an assistant on one side to add additional light. I hope this info is helpful. Good luck and good shooting.

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May 21, 2005

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