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Category: Flash Photography

Photography Question 

Michelle B. Prince

Flash Photos: Using a Stroboframe

I used my speedlight and frame for the first time this weekend outside and got lots of blurry photos. When shooting outside without flash, I just make sure my shutter speed at least matches my focal length using the AV setting on the camera. Several times I did not have enough light to get my shutter speed up, but I thought the speedlight would help in that area. Maybe I should use manual and set it up kind of like I do inside with a strobe light???? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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March 14, 2005


Michael H. Cothran
How bright was it outside? Day or night? What f-stop and shutter speed were you using, etc??
However, you hinted at some points that probably caused your camera to shake. Normally, with flash photography, the shutter speed is unimportant since the flash fires much, much faster than the shutter speed and will "freeze" most action. If your shutter speed is considerably slower, you will end up with camera shake caused by the ambient light, and this is what I believe happened to you. You state you were in aperture priority and could not get your shutter speed fast enough under the existing light. It sounds like you were using way too small an f-stop, OR the light outside was very dark ... either of which would have resulted in a slow shutter speed, thus resulting in camera shake. Be sure to use an f-stop appropriate to at least 1/15 second or faster. If the light is so dim that you cannot do this, then manually set the shutter speed, and live with the darker ambient light. Michael H. Cothran

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March 14, 2005


Michelle B. Prince
  Michael, thank you. i'm not sure what you mean by using an f-stop appropriate to at least 1/15 second or faster. do you mean that is what the shutter should be. I usually look for the shutter speed to be between 80 and 125. I guess you can tell i'm new to this. so you think that if I had used the manual setting and set the shutter speed to about 125 I might not have had as much blurr. it was sunny and around 4p.m. I was in a somewhat shaddy spot.

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March 14, 2005

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