BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Photo Exposure Troubleshooting

Photography Question 

April A. Abbott

Book Recommendations

I am completely new to photography. I have only taken a few very basic classes that cover the general guidelines. I have learned some of the terms and am ready to begin experimenting with my new Canon Rebel Ti SLR.

I know what aperature and shutter speed are and how they affect my photos. The main thing that I would love to grasp is a well informed concept of exposure. I have used Tv and Av modes on my camera but have never had it in full manual, which is something I really want to do.

Can anyone recommend a really easy to understand book that explains exposure? I want to know how to expose for different lighting situations.

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February 19, 2004


Robert Bridges

The best advice I can give you is simply to go out and play. However, if you want to read some books I'd recommend anything by Freeman Patterson. If you are doing black and white then you ought to at least look at something about the Zone system (Ansel Adams) keep in mind that the Zone system doesn't really work for 35 mm but it's better then just guessing. Get some Patterson books, buy a bunch of color SLIDE film and go have fun.

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February 19, 2004


April A. Abbott
  Thanks, Rob. I'll check out some of those books.

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February 20, 2004


Raquel S.
  My favorite is "Understanding Exposure" by Bryan Peterson. Easy to read and really helps get you going in regards to exposure. He also has a class of the same name on this site. Both are worth checking out. Have fun.

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February 21, 2004


April A. Abbott
  Thanks for the recommendation, Raquel. I have read several good reviews on this book and I am going to buy it, as well.

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February 22, 2004


Damian P. Gadal
  Here's a few:

1. Jim's Book: The Absolute Beginners Guide to Taking Great Photos
2. Brian Peterson: Learning to See Creatively (which has just been revised to include some discussion on digital)
3. Tom Mackie: Photos with Impact
4. Kerry Drager: Scenic Photography 101

And Understanding Exposure, which has already been mentioned.

There are several others, but they are more on the computer end rather than the camera end of things...

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February 22, 2004

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