BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems - Other

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Double Exposed Film

I had a roll of 24 35mm film developed at Walmart. I received 26 pictures back in which 24 of them were double exposed (actually in different directions). I have had situations where the last couple frames double exposed but I have never seen a complete roll do this. Can you tell me how this is possible and what went wrong? Thanks so much. Carol

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August 09, 2002


Lem Metro
  I assume you put the film back into the camera and reshot the entire roll. One quick way to avoid this is to rewind the entire film back into the canister when you are done shooting it. If you are taking part of a roll and then changing film, you need to keep the partially shot roll seperate from unexposed film.

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August 16, 2002

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