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Category: Problems - Other

Photography Question 

Carl J. Morrison

'bubbles' in digital photo

  Bubble in digital image
Bubble in digital image
How do I avoid this, or is it a camera flaw?

Carl J. Morrison

Please note on the subject in the attached photo. The one with the red outfit has a 'bubble' on her right sleeve. This is not the only time I've gotten this with my new Nikon Coolpix 775. Any suggestions how to avoid?

Carl Morrison

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January 21, 2002


noel de guzman

I have the same problem but it doesn't always appear. What's even more odd is that it never appears on the same spot even if I never move the subject position nor the camera position.

I have a small studio and I've done lots (thousands) of ID pictures with a digital camera with a maximum resolution of 1.3 megapixels. This (bubble) happens less than 1 percent of the time so I don't worry too much about it. I just edit the pictures on my computer if I have to.

I also noticed that this problem appears only when I shoot indoor with a flash. So if it's any consolation, the problem is not unique to your Nikon Coolpix camera.

Bottomline, I don't think there is a way to avoid something that rarely occurs. Maybe the more expensive digital cameras (2K dollars up) don't have this problem.

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December 07, 2002

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  I've seen that a other peoples camera too, and I'm thinking that it may be dust on the ccd thing. And the reason why it's a bubble looking thing is the aperature because at wider aperatures with a shallow depth of field you don't get a clear spot mark. If I have a dust speck on my ccd in my camera, if I take a picture of a white wall with flash at f/28 or 32, I'll get a well defined spot on the image, and as I open up, the spot gets more and more out of focus.

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November 26, 2003


Ravilyn Sanders
  These are dust spots. The dust is not inside the camera but OUTSIDE very close to the lens. That dust spec reflects the flash. Because it is very close to the flash bulb it is illuminated brightly. Because it is also close to the lens it is out of focus and creates this large blurred spot.

It will happen only on flash pictures, taken in dusty atmospheres. Go to the basement, beat a rug and create lots of dust then take flash pictures. You will tons of these spots. Or take flash photos in early morning mist.

To avoid it: Choose cameras that have flash bulbs far from the lens, use external flashes.

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July 15, 2004


Jason A. Woodcock
  these are all very possible reason but I happen to think that these are created by spirts or the energy from spirts so when you see one next to you just think of uncle al or what not!!

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June 16, 2006

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