BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

what is this big white circle

My husband was taking pictures of me in sexy clothes with a digitsl camera in our base ment and this big white circle showed up and a few small ones. It didnt show up in any other picture, I even cleared the whole disk and took more pictures and it didnt show up. If any one knows what this could be please tell me.I have circles all the white spots with a white ink,and blocked out as much as I could because the photes was very revealing.

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January 16, 2004


Don E. McIntyre
  The white circle must have been a halo, you must be an angel. Just kidding, I was entrigued by your description of the scantily clad photos, hmmmm

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January 17, 2004


  When I use my digital camera I get alot of those white things too. I figure it to be dust or something like that. Unless you go to one of those freak paranormal sites...they all think it's "GHOSTS" floating around or something. lol Maybe light reflecting dust or something, but I do get it alot.

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January 17, 2004

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