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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Sandra Khomko

How to get this type of effect on a photograph?

Hello. I am very sorry for mistakes on my previous questions. This time I believe I included everything. =D I always wanted to achieve this type of effect while shooting.

also I wanted to know to make the colors look so vivid, like in this photograph.

Any tips would be helpfull.
I would also like to know to you need to use photoshop in order to create effects like these?!

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January 13, 2009


Colleen Farrell
  Hi Sandra,
First, no, you don't need Photoshop to achieve those effects. :) Secondly, I'm not sure exactly what effect you're referring to regarding the first image--do you mean a shallow depth of field, where the background is sort of blurry? If so, start by using a wide aperture (lower f-number). This will make your subject sharp but the background more soft.

As for colors, your camera may have settings that allow it to increase saturation. Check your manual for that. Also, using a polarizer will make skies a richer, deeper blue. Shooting in the late afternoon, an hour before sunset, will yield richer colors--shooting midday gives more washed-out colors.

There are lots of tips and techniques here on the site under the resources tab (articles, newsletters, etc.)

Finally, most photographers are happy to share their techniques, so feel free to email the photographers whose images you like and ask them how they did it! :)

Hope this helps.

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January 13, 2009


Mary Iacofano
I would suggest writing each photographer and ask them the exact techniques of each image. I bet they would be very helpful and informative.

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January 13, 2009


Sandy Hawkins

Although some of those effects are done in camera they can also be achieved in Photoshop.

Colleen and Mary....I have been so disappointed when I write to other photographers to ask about certain techniques they use. I have done it three times, and not even one of those times did I get any response at all.

When people ask me about any technique I use I always share it...I am more than glad to as I feel we are all learning to one degree or another.

Sandy :-)

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January 13, 2009

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  The key to a shot like that is light, light and more light. Explain??? By choosing the time of day and angle of light you can get colors like this. You can always boost them in Photoshop but it's not always required. I think the photographer also took advantage of a polarizing filter. The photographer also was using an 18mm lens that made the cirrus clouds more dramatic.

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January 13, 2009


Colleen Farrell
  Sandy, I'm sorry you had bad luck with getting a response. I've asked questions maybe a dozen times and I've almost always gotten answers.

I always share info, too. But it's a big site, there are many photographers here, so there are bound to be some that won't.

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January 14, 2009

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Sandy, as for making colors pop. I use the Landscape setting in my Canon camera which is supposed to accentuate colors and sharpness. And I also use Photoshop to give them some pop, mostly via the hue/saturation method. But, don't always use the "Master" setting because you can get unrealistic colors for certain things; e.g., cyan tree trunks. Use "selective" color settings and experiment. Also, Photoshop has the Lab color option which can give some pop to your colors. Feel free to send me a contact e-mail if you have anymore questions.

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January 14, 2009

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