BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Cindy Sanders

Getting correct exporsure when shooting indoors

Hello I've been having exporsure issues when I'm trying to take photos indoors. I set the camera ( rebel xsi - kit lens ) to night mode in which it chooses the settings of 0"6 - 5.6 - 400 w/flash, but when I mannually set the same setting the photo is underexposed. Why would this happen?

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December 26, 2008


Jon Close
  I'm guessing the difference is in the ISO set. In Night Portrait mode the XSi's Auto ISO will choose an ISO between 100 and 800. In the circumstance you describe it's probably at 800. Auto ISO works differently in M mode, simply fixing ISO at 400.

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December 26, 2008


Cindy Sanders
  thanks Jon. I'll try different ISO's as you suggested

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December 26, 2008

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