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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Joyce Hayes

How to shoot eagles in flight

  Pair perched
Pair perched
Its a little easier when the birds pose for pictures. This was in shade in the afternoon. Aperature was set at 22. Again Sony alpha with sigma 170-400 zoom.

Joyce Hayes

  Fish dropped
Fish dropped
Shutter speeed was 5oo with the zoom on the sigma 170-500 fully engaged. Note the fish dropping in the water.

Joyce Hayes

Same conditions. Shade. Shutter speed 500. Full zoom on the Sigma 170-500.

Joyce Hayes

  aerial acrobatics 1
aerial acrobatics 1
Sony alpha with sigma 170-500 zoom. I love the shot, I just wish it were crisper. Again I had the shutter speed at 500 and the aperature was a good as the lens allows, as far as I know. any suggestions.

Joyce Hayes

  Aerial acrobatics 2
Aerial acrobatics 2
Same comment and questions

Joyce Hayes

I use a sony alpha 100 with a sigma 170-500 zoom on a monopod that allows me to move. I do alright with the eagles perched in the trees and those that fly close by, but I am not getting the crispness I would like for the aerial combats. Unfortunately the lens goes to a 6.3 aperature when fully extended. I had the shutter speed set at 500, the iso at 200 but used auto white balance. Any suggestions for getting crisper pictures would be appreciated. Thanks. Joyce

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November 30, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  I would bump your ISO higher. With a lens of 500mm, you're going to need a faster shutter speed to make the capture.

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November 30, 2008


Mary Iacofano
  shoot in aperture priority mode. wide open aperture with a high iso. maybe more than 200. try 300-400 and see how the noise factor is with your camera. take your ap to your lowest number possible. 4.5 or 5.6, etc.

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November 30, 2008


Sharon Day
  How fast a shutter speed do you need? I was shooting eagles and geese Friday and was shooting at 1/250th thinking that would be fast enough but it wasn't. Thanks!

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November 30, 2008


Mary Iacofano
  Tri-colored Heron in Flight
Tri-colored Heron in Flight

Mary Iacofano

this image was taken in AV mode, F5.6, iso 400, 1/2000", 400mm.

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November 30, 2008

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