BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Sharon Sawyer

Would you please help me with this image?

Does any have any suggestions on how I can improve on this image? I have provided the link below:
Thank you in advance,

>Humpback Whale

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August 29, 2008


Sharon Sawyer
  I'll try the link again...
>Humpback Whale

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August 29, 2008


Sharon Sawyer
  Rats !!! Sorry, it's not linking. Here is my gallery page..

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August 29, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Nice capture Sharon,
I would zoom & crop and then select the sky and add more blue saturation and then play with the water color a bit to see what you can come up with.
It is tough getting the perfect whale shot unless you go out a lot. The last 2 times I went out, I had clear blue skies one day but the whales were very inactive, and then I went when the whales were more active but I had dreary gray skies which makes the water look gray & dreary as well.
I have also used a circular polarizer at times to cut the glare off the water.
Good luck - Carlton

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August 29, 2008


Sharon Sawyer
  Carlton, thank you so much for your suggestions on my image. Maybe some day I'll go orca whale watching here in BC with a better camera.

You have an amazing gallery, I enjoyed viewing it very much.

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September 22, 2008


Bob Cammarata
  I agree with the cropping idea.
...Have you considered a black and white conversion?

That's an awesome capture by the way.
My "whale tour" last fall turned out to be an expensive 4 hour high-speed boat ride in the rain.
(We saw no whales but had fun watching some of the passengers turn green.)

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September 23, 2008

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