BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Rachel Barner

Editor's Pick

  This Old Shack
This Old Shack

Rachel Barner

  Here's the Church, Here's the Steeple...
Here's the Church, Here's the Steeple...

Rachel Barner

It seems like it has been forever since my photos received an "Editor's Pick "so I was wondering if my pictures are sub-standard. If so what suggestions can you make to improve?

Thank you.

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August 06, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  Rachel, they are very nice photos. In the first one, great lighting and detail in the wood, but the rope looks a little blurry. The second one looks fine as it is. In the last photo, I like the perspective and the lighting but I think maybe the facade of the building is a little dark.

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August 06, 2008


Rachel Barner
  Thank you Jessica for you critique. I will try a couple things in to improve the shots.


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August 15, 2008

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