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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Mandy Kopitzke

Photographing Children

What settings should I be using when taking pictures of children that don't sit still? I use continuous lighting and my camera is a Canon Rebel XT. Thanks.

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July 30, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  You should use a setting that will give a proper exposure, fast enough shutter speed to prevent unwanted blur, and focus is up to you or the camera if you have to use auto focus.
Keep the shutter speed above 125th. And either use a high enough ISO, or if you want the ISO low to prevent noise/grain, then you may need brighter light or flash.
You can get pictures of kids with a broad range of shutter speeds and apertures.

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July 30, 2008


Mandy Kopitzke
  I'm sorry, I'm new at this and am doing it mostly for hobby. I have 2 500watt continuous lights. So you think if I had higher powered lights it would help. When I put the shutter speed up to 125th you can't see the picture unless I use the flash then it's overexposed. I think I just need to play around with it more, I thought just maybe someone might have a good suggestion for a good setting. Thanks for your reply!

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July 31, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  A good setting could be f/8 at 1000th of a second, or a good setting could be f/4 at 60th of a second.
None of that means very much by itself if you don't take into account the basics of proper exposure, iso level, light level, aperture, what you're using, and what you're shooting.
You can't approach it as one good setting for everything.

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July 31, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  Children are some of the hardest, and most rewarding subjects that I have shot. If you put them in an environment that they enjoy, such as the back yard or park, and keep the camera at the ready, you will find that awesome portraits will follow. I have rarely posed children, and gotten some fantastic portraits.
Have fun and keep shooting.

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August 02, 2008


Robert F. Walker
Just a Moment int time.

Robert F. Walker

Yes, some of the BEST children images that I have, are the one's that the children were just playing and having fun, and I was able to catch that "Special Moment in Time."

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August 05, 2008

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