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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

marsha e. lee

Shooting in Raw Format

I have just purchased my first SLR camera and have been shooting Raw files. My problem is Photoshop 7.0 isn't opening a viewable photo. Any ideas? I checked help and followed the instructions, but upon opening, all I get is a grey space. As a newbie, any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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July 08, 2008


John P. Sandstedt
  There are two possible issues.
First, there are a number of issues with Photoshop 7.0 and certain camera files (Raw ones) cannot be read as Raw files.
The second is that you probably need to download Adobe Camera Raw from the Adobe site. It's free. Just be certain you look through "back files" since I believe the more current downloads will only work with CS3 and Elements 5/6.

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July 08, 2008


Cory L. Wilson
  I shoot RAW with a Nikon D50, and also use Photoshop 7. I had to download Adobe Camera Raw, and it works fine. My only problem with it is that it asks you how you want your image opened (unchanged, incadescent lighting, shade, flash, etc.). So you have to choose how you want it opened (usually unchanged), then wait for the few second process of it actually opening. It is a slow process, but at least it works. Good luck!
~Cory Wilson

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July 16, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Marsha,
The Canon software that came with your camera can be used as well. A friend of mine preferred the Canon software over photoshop for processing raw images until he recently upgraded to CS3 (which came with an improved ACR). Try it out.

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July 16, 2008


Marianne Fortin
  Try using your Canon software (Digital Photo Professional) to process your RAW files. You open the file in DPP, make your adjustments and then use "Convert and save" from the file menu (I usually work on several files before converting and save as TIFF). Then open the file in Photoshop (I use Elements 5.0).

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July 16, 2008

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