BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Wendy Moghadam

Why the color change

Can anyone tell me why photo of a purple flower shows blue when I upload to BP? It looks so different on my Mac. I have a calibrated monitor and when I opened the image in PS I converted the SRGB to Adobe RGB 1998. I saved the image to 72 dpi and made it 720 on the long side. Help!!

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July 07, 2008


Ariel Lepor
  It might help to know what photo you're talking about. Also, if you could compare how the photo looks when uploaded to other web sites and when viewed in other programs like Preview, or how various photos look in Photoshop and in other web sites, that may also help narrow down the color-changing culprit.

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July 07, 2008


Wendy Moghadam
I did upload it to another site and it looks blue too. I have other flowers that are purple and uploaded right so I can't figure it out. Here is the photo

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July 08, 2008


Wendy Moghadam

Wendy Moghadam

I did upload it to another site and it looks blue too. I have other flowers that are purple and uploaded right so I can't figure it out. Here is the photo

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July 08, 2008

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