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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Carol Sawyer

Adobe Photoshop elements 6

Does anyone know how to resize images for BP posting using Photoshop elements 6? what I should use for the settings? Any help I would appreciate! Carol

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July 04, 2008


David Van Camp
  I use PSE 4, this is what I do:

Process image with no or as little as possible sharpening to get the image I want, then...

Save (I usually save as TIFF, with layers), then

1) if not already done, apply Image>Convert Color Profile>Apply sRGB Profile

2) reduce image to pixel dimension 720 on the long side, using either bicubic or bicubic smoother (if you did any sharpening) (note: I DON'T use bicubic sharpener, EVER!)

3) Sharpen using UnSharp mask filter, exact settings depend on image & options chosen above (if bicubic SMOOTHER, then I'll use higher % then otherwise... sometimes as high as 200-300% ... even 500% w/ .5 radius on occasion ), but typcially 60-80%, 1.5radius & 3..5 threshold. Experiment with each image for best value. (smaller radius / threshold also often needs higher % value.)

4) File>Save for Web... I always pick highest quality & check attach ICC profile... I NEVER change image size here, nor anything else.

also, I always insert my text "watermark" (copyright sig) somewhere during these steps.

See pics in my gallery for examples...

have fun!

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July 04, 2008


Carol Sawyer
  Thank you so much David for this information! I just bought the software and it didn't come with a book so I have a lot to learn. Your galley is beautiful!

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July 05, 2008


David Van Camp
  Thanks Carol!

Very happy to be helpful :)


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July 05, 2008


David Van Camp
  Oh, in step #3,

I said: "(smaller radius / threshold also often needs higher % value)"

I SHOULD have said: "(smaller radius / *HIGHER* threshold also often needs higher % value)"

sorry for the mistake!! :)


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July 05, 2008


Carol Sawyer
  Can anyone help me? I want to blend two photos together. Like say a flag and a bird in photo elements 6. I would appreciate any help you can give me!!

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July 20, 2008


David Van Camp
  Blending photos is either easy or hard, depending on what effect you are trying to achieve!

For example, if you simply want a multiple exposure effect, open both pics and drag the image from one window into the other & play with blending modes (usually normal, overlay or soft light) and opacity % until it looks good. There are many tutorials on this on the web.

If you want it to look like the bird is part of the actual pic of the flag, then you have, potentially, a much harder and more complex set of steps that depend on specific factors of the images and the desired result. There are also many tutorials on this on the web.

Also, many books are available that discuss these and many other techniques. My recomendation is to google the web and buy one or 3 books, read and experiment.

Also, BP offers courses that cover these techniques as well. You might consider one.

This topic is far to varied and potentially complex to properly answer here.


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July 20, 2008


Carol Sawyer
  Thank you David I will try to see if I can find it on the web how to do it. I want to blend a bird into the flag.

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July 21, 2008


Richard Lynch
  "note: I DON'T use bicubic sharpener, EVER!"

You may want to mention why. Personally I think there are times it may be appropriate. In fact, so can using Nearest Neighbor (I use it in processes where I upsize screen shots by 400%).

The topic is interesting. I've often thought of making a conversion action for betterphoto users of Photoshop and Elements. Maybe I should do that and post a URL here for download?

Interested Carol? Anyone else?

The benefit would be one-click processing, or even batching!

Richard Lynch

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July 21, 2008


David Van Camp
  Hi Rich,

The reason I don't use bicub sharp is I found I still need to sharpen more (for BP posts anyway) and seems to me I get better quality when fully sharpening the final image in one shot.

I guess I should have said: when downsizing for posting to BP I never use bicube sharp (anymore.)

Of course, I'm no expert on this... that is simply what I (believe) I learned from trial & error. I may well have missed something important!!

As per action... I've found that diff pics sometimes need diff levels of sharpening after resize ... would an action be able to deal well with that?


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July 21, 2008


Richard Lynch
  An action could allow you to select sharpening settings by opening the Unsharp Mask dialog to wait for your input, but it may be best to automate the whole process for batching. I'm betting average sharpening will work for just about any image. However, it wouldn't be a lot harder to make two actions (or even 4-5 variations). The trick is getting it to work in Elements...But I'm sure I've done things similar enough before.

If I get some feedback here (like yours) I might just get that ready.

Richard Lynch

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July 21, 2008


David Van Camp
  I'd certainly try it!

BTW, has some free sharpening actions... haven't looked at them, so cannot comment, but you might want to check them out first...

(OT - BTW, I recently dl'd Daves' Simplifier from ... it's like a REALLY REALLY lite Buzz Simplifier1. If that is of interest to anyone, I suggest trying it.)


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July 21, 2008


Carol Sawyer
  Richard I would like that. At this time I just don't have the money to take any courses. I really wish I did.

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July 21, 2008

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