BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Adrian Pocol

bad raw after downloaded to computer

I have a Canon 5D ( using Silicon Power ULTIMA CF and SanDisk CF 2G both), shot all the time raws and I download them on the pc with ZoomBrowser EX (the software that comes with the camera). After I downloaded the photos and try to convert them to jpeg, some photos looks like those -take a look at Adrian Pocol. I've tried PS CS2, Lightroom, ACDSee, but the image remains the same-very bad.

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June 30, 2008


Jon Close
  That first pic "bad raw" in your gallery, looks like the corruption that can happen with a bad CF card. I'd double check that your SanDisk isn't a counterfeit, see for example this
Link to eBay Warning.

You might try a low-level reformat of the cards which should map out the bad sectors. But memory is relatively cheap, I'd replace them.

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July 01, 2008

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