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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Mandi M. Wiltse


O.K. I know I've asked this question b4. I recently just tried to place some new pictures that I took that I'm very proud of on this website and once agian it says file is too large.... How can I get them on here with out decreasing mega-pixels. I did that last time and it took away from the quality of my picture. I use photo shope elements 6

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May 30, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  You have to make the image size 480 pixels on it's shortest side.
You can't get around that because that's the way they are displayed.

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May 30, 2008


Mandi M. Wiltse
  would you mind going a little more in depth, I'm very new at this and trying to yet still figure it out. Do you have an email address I could email you a couple of photos?

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May 30, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Just picture the rectangle shape of normal photos, two sides shorter than than two other long sides.
With photoshop, look at the image size. It will show it in inches and pixels. Change whatever the measurement of the shortest side of the image is to 480 pixels.
It will also reduce the measurement of the longest side to keep the image in proportion.
Re-save the smaller image so you don't loose your original.
You can't resize an image down to the necessary 480 and still keep the original file size. The way pictures are displayed on betterphoto, making it larger than 480 holds no benefit. They won't be shown any larger.
You may need some sharpening added to your picture of they look a little soft in your gallery.

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May 30, 2008


Mandi M. Wiltse
  those are all old photos, I'm really please with the ones I took earlier today, just need to get them resized to fit

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May 30, 2008


Mandi M. Wiltse
  another thing, I'm looking on photoshop and where would I find where to do that??? My imagie width size now says it measures at 3100 pixels?? Am I better off just buring them on a cd and sending them to a company to get burned?? Is there anyone I can e-mail you an image for you to look at so it's not all distorted?

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May 30, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  In the top tool bar it's under 'Image'
You know, 'File' 'Edit' 'Image' etc...
Click Image, click Image Size

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May 30, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Mandi,
In Photoshop hit "Control+I" which will bring up the image size control panel. Then select a side and set the pixel size how you want (like 480 on the short side). After resizing select "save as" (control+alt+S) & you will be prompted to select quality and you can see that 12 is the highest - I usually select about a 7 or 8 (between 100 & 150 kb) for posting on the web. I usually save my small images with an "x" after the title to distinguish my small images from my large ones such as HSMF_002x so that I dont overwrite my original image.

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June 01, 2008


Mandi M. Wiltse
  thanks Carlton, I will try that. I also was told that I can use the crop tool rather then the image size window to resize images.. You can see that in my gallery some of my images are small..
Thanks for the help!!

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June 01, 2008

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Might find it simpler to crop to proportion then resize.

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June 01, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Mandi,
By cropping you will be deleting information (pixels) which will make the image size a little smaller, but you should only crop an image to enhance the image itself, not to make it smaller. If there is too much sky or an object to the side that detracts from the subject, then cropping may be needed. Or to get a panoramic looking view.
Use the image size tool to control how large/small you want the image.
The "quality" selection when you enhance/resize & "save as" will resize you image by filesize.

You can also use the "Transform" tool (cntrl+T) to make an image smaller by holding down the shift key while grabbing a corner and moving it. Holding down the shift key keeps the image dimensions the same, otherwise the image will stretch out of porportion. This will change the physical size without affecting the file size.
I use the trensform tool quite a bit. You can create a layer on top of an image and add another image to it and use the transform tool to get it to fit how you want it. Then use opacity to blend it in better.

I dont know if you shoot raw or not, but if not, I would recommend that you try to keep your original jpeg as it is and any adjustments/resizing that you do - save it as another filename to keep your original intact. Example: you work on image HSMF_002 and save it as HSMF_002a so that you dont overwrite the original image in case you decide to do something different with it at a later time.

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June 01, 2008


Mandi M. Wiltse
I tried to do what you suggested, and it went to "invert" when I did the "control I" function. I also tried to do the image resizing in the crop area where I was also told to do, and that just lead me to crop the image, but not to the desired size I would like my photo to be with the "given/suggested" pixels to use..

I found that if I do my pixels sizes in "save for web" images may be "smaller" but at least I can get them ON-TO a site with out decreasing the image/pixels itself.

I bought a book to help me out, but I don't believe it's "up" to date with elements 6 not to mention 7?

I shoot raw 90% of the time, as I'm trying to figure/learn the settings of my camera....sometimes I switch, to help me figure out what settings would be best in the lighting/enviroment I'm shooting in.

Haven't tried the transform tool yet..the more I post questions, the more I learn. We have nothing to offer help around here/courses under a 200 mile radius. I would really like to "pursue" this as a business, but I don't believe that I can "snap" a few shots, like many people do and call myself a "so-called-photographer!" I actually want to do a good job and am not looking at it for $$$. I myself am my BIGGEST enemy, nothing is "good enough" until I can actually look a picture and say it would be something I would pay for.
I appreciate all the help!! As far as the resizing goes, the save for web is the only thing that is working so far!

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June 01, 2008

- Carlton Ward

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Carlton Ward
Carlton Ward's Gallery
  Hi Mandi,
Your keyboard layout must be different than the default for PS CS3. I dont know Elements very well but they should have many of the same tools. If Control I brings up "invert" then you can either change your keyboard shortcut keys (if you are so inclined) or just go to edit>image size to get the panel. There you would type over the desired pixel size (like 480 for the short side) and it should automatically set the other side proportionately. This is still just the viewing size and the file size may still be very large. This is where you will click "save" and you should get another window thats prompts you for the "quality" you want to save the image as. When it is at 12 (the highest) it is still very large. This is where I select about a 7 or 8 for quality and this should bring it down to 150kb or so. Mine shows what size it will be as I am sliding the indicator between numbers so I will know what it will be.
I will save this in a completely different folder that I keep all of my smaller uploaded photos in (it makes for quick access) but everyone has their own organizational methods.
Another reason I re-size is because if someone copies my photo, they will not be getting a high resolution image.
You can add your © 2008 Mandi to help protect yourself too.
If you ever want to do batch resizing or renaming, there is a very nice freeware called Irfanview. - its free and pretty simple to use.
I used it a lot with my PC's but they dont make a MAC version (what I have now).
Hope this helps - Carlton

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June 01, 2008

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