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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Julie M. Cwik

Keeping transformed Raw - JPG images large

I'm looking to upload some files on stock photo sites, they have min. requirements of at least 4mb etc... but when I convert (in PS 3 after editing) my 42 mb RAW photo to jpeg it's about 3-4 mb.... how can I convert while keeping the size larger??? Is this even possible?

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April 11, 2008


Richard Lynch
  When you are looking at an image that will be a JPEG, file size is not really the best measure of detail. If you want larger JPEG files, save using the highest quality -- lesser quality compresses more creating a smaller file. The pixel dimension is most of what matters at that point as JPEG files toss out all sorts of things you add in editing (like layers).

You never really have a "RAW" file with 42MB, as the RAW file is what comes off the the time you see it it is no longer technically RAW as it has been converted by the Camera RAW plugin if you use Photoshop or Elements.

If your files are something like 3600x2400 pixels, you should be close to the 'limit. if you are just looking to fatten up the file, use Save As instead of Save for Web to gain a few kb. If you really need more, increase the Image Size.

It is an awfully silly requirement...You can add comments and metadata to add a few kb as well, for example...file weight doesn't mean much to image quality.

Richard Lynch

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April 15, 2008


Julie M. Cwik
  I agree 100% Richard! It's a silly requirement but if that's what they need, then that's what I need to give. I'm just starting out. Thanks for the tips!

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April 15, 2008


Jerry Frazier
  What are you shooting with? A 4mb file is easy to achieve. But, if you are shooting with a 20D or something, it might not be possible. Some stock sites put this requirement in to keep the amatuers using sub-par equipment out. They want high-quality files from high-quality cameras. A Canon 1DsMIII puts out a 21MB file straight out of the camera.

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April 15, 2008


Pete H

Not sure if you received my email in response to your email?

It does seem a odd request from a agency to ask for a particular MB size.
Usually they require a PPI and dimension.

The easist way to "fatten" the image size is simply do a "resize" and increase the PPI prior to the "save as."

It will work, but is a poor practice since you really can't add pixels to an image. Programs do this thru simple interpolation. Any editing after this step is degrading image quality.

all the best,


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April 15, 2008


Julie M. Cwik
  yes pete I did get your response! Thanks! I shoot a Fuji FinePix S5 Pro 12 MP camera.

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April 15, 2008

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