BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

distorted auction photos

I came to website for some problems with my auction photos. I am as dumb as they come when it comes to photography, so just humor me a little.
I use Irfanview to crop and resize my photos. The photo looks fine, except for a slight fuzziness ( which I am working on.) All I have is a modest Kodak Easy Share CX4200 2 pixel camera. The problem is after it uploaded to the site, it shows up distorted, and looks like a bunch of distorted tiles, mosaic look photo image. I try not to resize any more than needed;however, my photos still come out that way. I never had that problem at the Ebay website, just at this Webidz auction. Every one else's photos come out fine, and no one can come up with answer to this dilemna. I am hoping that maybe someone can give me insight on this issue. Thanks in advance.


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March 20, 2008


Richard Lynch
I would check into your compression settings. You are uploading, and one of the evils of uploading is JPEG compression. Upload engines resave your image, and it is my experience that they retain your compression setting in some cases. That is, if you save with a medium compression to save space, the engine will look at that on upload and re-apply the compression. The result can be quite a mess. If you use a higher quality compression, you will suffer the generation of compression artifacts a little less; the compression gets re-applied in each generation. That is, IF that is what is happening. Do you save with settings for progression? If so, try not using progression (which a clever upload engine may capture in a rough first iteration).

Can you post a screen shot of the settings you use in Irfanview? I may be able to clarify more with that.


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March 20, 2008

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