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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Corrie J. Free

Nikon N2000

I just purchased a Nikon N2000 at an antique store. It had a 1:4.0 lense on it. It did not have the original AF 50mm lense. I loaded batteries in it and it advances the film. The roll of film was blank when developed. I do not know a thing about long range lenses or short range for that matter. I have my ISO set on DX and the action on "P". I just fiddled with the lense until I could see the image fairly well and shot. The rangefinder's center circle stays dark in the view finder. Do you have any tips for me? Is this a sign that something inside the camera is not working? I just thought since it was not the original lense maybe that was it.


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March 02, 2008


Jon Close
  When used with lenses having maximum apertures of f/4, f/5.6, and slower (larger f-numbers) it is normal for half or all of the center focus aid to go dark.

The first things to check are:
(1) Make sure the shutter is opening. Set a longish shutter speed and release the shutter with no film in the camera and the back open to see if it's working.

(2) Make sure the film is properly loaded. The shutter will work and the advance motor run, but if the film is not being drawn out of the can the rewind knob won't turn with film advance, and the frame counter will keep advancing beyond the number of frames on the film (eg. the counter keeps advancing past 26 on a roll 24 exposure film).

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March 03, 2008


Corrie J. Free
  Thanks, I will try the shutter exercise. The film seems to be advancing OK. The counter seems on track and it does stop when it hits 24. The one thing I did not do When I was rewinding was set the dial to "L". It was still on "C" - if that makes any sense. Could that have done it?


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March 04, 2008


Jon Close
  I could be wrong, but I think on the switch at the shutter button that "L" is for "Lock" (ie. power off), "S" for Single Shot, and "C" for Continuous shooting. I don't think that would make a difference when rewinding, but an instruction manual would clear that up. Check with Nikon Customer Service.

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March 04, 2008


Corrie J. Free
  OK the shutter is not moving. I guess that would do it. Do you have any suggestions on how to "loosen" it up?


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March 04, 2008


Jon Close
Sorry, no. That's a job for a professional. May not be worth the bother on an old entry level SLR. You might find another in working order for the same or less than what the repair will cost.

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March 04, 2008


Corrie J. Free
  Thanks for all of your help. The mirror was totally dislodged. I only paid 20.00 for it. I guess the lense is worth more than that.


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March 05, 2008

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