BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Cheryl Staub

How to print without loosing the image?

New to printing digital photos. I cropped
a few and the 4x6 photos came back completely different. How do I adjust it so the photos print the way I want? If I want to print a 4x6 photo as is without cropping do I need to make any adjustments? Thanks.

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February 26, 2008


John P. Sandstedt
  You've said you cropped and then printed. Almost every digital camera produces an image file with an aspect ratio of 2:3. Therefore, no cropping is needed to achieve a 4X6 print.

However, if you cropped, you changed the aspect ratio. Thus, you probably "created" the problem - mis-sizing the print size you actually wanted. Go back to the original file and check that out.

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February 26, 2008


Jon Close
  I see from the labels in your gallery that you're using a Canon PowerShot S3. That camera, like most compact digitals, has a sensor that is 3:4 aspect ratio. With the long side at 6 inches, the short side is going to be 4.5 inches. The only way to create a 2:3 aspect ratio print (4x6) is to crop out some of the image.

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February 26, 2008

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