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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

B & W photo's with items left in colour

Hi there fellow members.My question is: What software do I have to purchase to take & black & white photo, but leave one item/person etc, in full colour? I have seen many members who have shown black & white photos of which 1 or 2 items are in full colour, and they look amazing!! I'd like to be able to do this too! Can anyone help me please?
Thank you in anticipation of your help regarding this subject. Ian Rabjohns.
(My cameras are Olympus Camedia C725, Kodak EasyShare Z740 & Z710 and my new camera is a Fuji FinePix S8000fd)

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February 26, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  Hi Ian! Any version of Photoshop can do that. Actually, you take the photo in color and then convert it to black and white, Then you can use the eraser toolto bring back colot to certain parts of the image. It's called selective coloring.

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February 26, 2008


Debby A. Tabb

Debby A. Tabb

and may I add,
just don't resize the image ect. before you do the color work,it won't allow it.
also for the best effect,really magnifiy the places you are working with, the effect will come out better.
especially in eyes.
and in eyes you ca then add accent color to really make them pop.
I hope this helps,

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February 26, 2008

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