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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

She B

Shutter Priority

I am trying to figure out why I can get sharp images with shutter priority on my Canon 20D, but they are so dark.
I recently took some images of my son riding bulls inside of an indoor arena and this is what they look like sooc.

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February 25, 2008


John P. Sandstedt
  Can't see the image[s] you've described. Nonetheless, if you set a fast shutter speed. by definition, the aperture will open.

At wider openings, you lose depth of field, making sharp focusing critical. Did you shoot in the "one shot" or "continuous" firing mode. The latter would have allowed you a better chance at sharper focus since the lens adjust continuously.

Because you shot in a "rodeo-type" setting, there probably was a good deal of dust. You could have increased your ISO setting to allow a smaller aperture and greater depth of field. With all the dust, the possibility of noise wouldn't have come into play.

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February 25, 2008


She B
  Straight Out Of Camera
Straight Out Of Camera

She B

I shot continous...and this is the first time I've used shutter priority. Usually, he rides outdoors and I just boost my ISO and go on AV for that.
But this indoor that was giving me brighter images, but blurry. So I went TV with a 1600 iso and it was sharp, but very dark.

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February 25, 2008

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