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Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Karma Wilson


My very first macro (besides one butterfly I caught on my old point and shoot)--what's going wrong? Some are fine, I just didn't have great flowers to work with, but some seem over exposed or something (I'm trying to learn but all the terminoligy is daunting!!!)

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July 01, 2004


Diane Dupuis
  Hi Karma!
I also have the Fujifilm S5000.
First things first- you must remove the screw-on lens protector.
I usually set it on auto, make sure you chose macro mode.
It is a little touchy about how close you can get. But when it likes your distance, the shots usually come out great.
Keep trying and keep in touch if you have any more questions.

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July 01, 2004


Wing Wong
  Hi Karma,

Well, the morning glories are over exposed. The light caught be the bright violet petals has over saturated the sensor. This can probably be worked around by reducing the aperture of your camera and/or shortening the length of the exposure. Another option may be to take 2 exposures, one for the background which is poorly lit and one for the flower which is very well lit to create a composited scene.

The tomatoe and the dirty flower are both just a bit underexposed.

Out of curiosity, what ISO/F-stop/shutter speed was used for these pics? If the light was poor, I'm wondering if you ended up using a high ISO like 400 or higher.

If your camera has it, try to use the live histogram or review histogram to guage the right amount of exposure.


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July 08, 2004

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