BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Maia Schwartzman

How to shoot lighting bugs

When I try to take pictures of lightning bugs with my Canon 10D or with my Nikon N70, all I get are black photos. Has anyone tried or been successful with taking them? I live in a wooded area, and they look so beautiful!

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June 29, 2004


Peter Mantione
  try setting your ISO to the highest possible setting. This will make your camera more sensitve to light. a high ISO setting will also give a more grainy look. Good Luck


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June 30, 2004


Angela K. Wittmer
  could you try placing the camera on BULB mode, hold the shutter open for a few seconds then allow to close?? This is how you can do fireworks pictures, and I kinda think ligtning bugs are a little bit like that (on & off)... it may be worth a try. I used Fuji Reala 100 on a few fireworks pics & used the above mehod & they turned out great! Not sure but it may be worth a try! Use a tripod too & cable release

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July 14, 2004

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