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BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Problems with Images

Photography Question 

Carter S. Ammon

Depth of field in macro shots

Good morning,

I am new to "betterphoto.com" and have been reading articles and Q&A's to get a good understanding of the site. Great place! :)

Anyway, I need some advice/critique on a recent macro shot I did of my wife's rosebush just after a rainstorm. I don't think I got a good depth of field, but still, got a pretty nice shot of a rose.

Equipment used:
Canon A-1
Canon 50mm f1.8
+4 lens diopter
Fuji Superia 200 film


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June 17, 2004


Carter S. Ammon
  Rose after the rain
Rose after the rain
Canon A-1, Canon 50mm f1.8, +4 diopter, Fuji 200 film.

Carter S. Ammon

Sorry for the duplicated messages. Here is the attached photo....

Butch A.

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June 17, 2004

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